
This is a storm in the planet Saturn

Cassini images show for the first time the progress of a turbulent storm on the sixth planet of the Solar System.
Storm on Saturn

Captured by the Space Telescope Images Cassini of the European Space Agency (ESA) show, for the first time, the progress of a huge storm on Saturn.

As experts have pointed out, if this phenomenon had occurred on Earth would have covered all of Europe. The head of the captured storm, which took place on March 6, 2011, is located to the left of the picture, where a very turbulent activity shown in white. However, towards the center of the image, which would be in the wake of the storm, you can also see the imprint of a spinning vortex.

The ESA has excelled in this, centered at about 0 ° longitude and 35 degrees north latitude, image colors are enhanced on Earth to help reveal the complex processes in the atmosphere of Saturn. Thus, white corresponds to the highest cloud tops, but to the human eye, the storm seems more like a bright area against a yellow background.

Regarding the characteristics of the phenomenon, experts have suggested that the atmospheric disturbances of this size can be expected once during each orbit of Saturn around the Sun, which are about 30 Earth years.

However, this particular event has surprised scientists because it occurred during the northern hemisphere spring, instead of the more typical summer storm on the planet. In this mission, Cassini has also monitored the temperature of the storm, showing a rapid rise in the form of energy that is released into the atmosphere.

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